Thursday, September 3, 2015

On 12:00 PM by Best Events   No comments
How often do you find yourself running out of time? Weekly, daily, hourly? For many people, it seems that there's just never enough time in the day to get everything done.
When you know how to manage your time you gain control of what you achieve.
Take this self-test quiz to identify the aspects of time management that you need most help with. 
Score each item according to how much of the time each statement applies to you.
The Scale: 1(always), 2(often), 3(sometimes), 4 (rarely), 5(never)
I feel overwhelmed by too many tasks and responsibilities-juggling priorities.    
I am very busy and impatient.
The closer the deadlines, the harder I work.    
I have to cope with too many organizational or job task changes.    
I am drowning in an overload of information from mail, faxes, E-mail, the Internet.    
I feel pressured by too many demands from clients/customers /boss.    
I dislike turning over responsibility to others.    
I find it difficult to stay agile, flexible, and resilient and focus on what is important.    
Worry robs me of time and energy.    
I have difficulty making decisions affecting my work and the work of associates.    
I'm frequently late for appointments or meetings.    
My “B” and “C” priorities take so much time that I rarely get to the “A's”.    
I put things off until it's too late, or no longer matters.    
I look at projects as a whole, rather than breaking them up into smaller units.    
I am sleep deprived and do not feel rested in the morning.    
I feel that my work does not reflect my vision, mission, and values.    
My behavior is incongruent with what I truly believe.    
Planning my day-every day is difficult for me.    
I am unable to establish a clear direction and develop personal and career goals.    
I find it difficult to create a health work and life balance.    

You are doing a great job managing your time and life. Congratulations! Coaching may help you achieve even higher levels of performance.
You are managing yourself and time to a considerable extent. There is still room for improvement. You will benefit from taking a Time/Self-Management workshop. Consider coaching to help you further develop your self-management skills and learn new strategies.
Things may be spinning out of control. You need to change certain behaviors and learn new skills. Don't walk…RUN to a Time/Self-Management workshop. Strongly consider coaching.

Source: Working Resources


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