Friday, October 16, 2015

On 10:00 AM by Best Events in    44 comments

As consumer companies continue to expand their global presence, they face a host of formidable challenges: among them, staying close to the consumer, finding and attracting local talent, and managing an increasingly complex and far-flung organization. Adnan Lee of MBG Fruits talks about how hiring the right people help a business grow.

Q1. MBG started off as a fruit stall and grew to become a chain outlet with a presence not only in Malaysia but also globally. What helped you decide to start hiring full time staff?

For a business to grow, the key factor is people. Without people, a business will not able to grow and expand. 

Owning a fruit stall it can be managed by myself or families members. To transform a single business outlet to a chain of outlets, it needs a team. It started from hiring full time staff, followed by grooming them until they can run the business themselves. Eventually, the business will be run professionally. Beside operations staff at outlets, other professional full time staff that need to be hired include human resources, finance, marketing, business development, internal audit, purchaser and etc. 

Q2: What were the fears you faced when planning to hire and how did you overcome it?

To run a retail business, the greatest fear is hiring wrong people with a poor core values for our business. When a wrong people are hired, it not only affects productivity, it will also influence other staff. Thus MBG is a company that emphasizes three core values which are honesty, respect and determination. We will only hire people with these values, no matter how smart they are, if they are not equipped with these values, we will not select them.

The screen through process during the interview is important and the three month probation as a second policy helps to determine the good value staff in the organization. Staff with poor core values and discipline will not be confirmed. 

When staff our organization are equipped with high core values, with our training systems, we are able to develop them to become better performers.  

Q3: How do you ensure that your staff are kept motivated?

MBG has team building, it consists of three parts. Every MBG staff is required to go through the team building. It will motivate them and raise their self awareness. 

Beside this, we also encourage them to read books like "Stephen Covey's 7 habits of Highly Effective people" , we enforce this into our confirmation process. Superiors are required to train the 7 habits to their staff as well.

We also drive our staffs with monthly KPI incentives. Incentives will be paid out every month for outlet that achieve sales target. It is a reward system to reward them for their extra efforts when they deliver total customer satisfactions to our customers. MBG outlet's KPI is able to monitor daily, this daily monitoring will able to motivate staff to achieve maximum output.

Q4: What is your advice for startup entrepreneurs?

My advice is to learn the survival instinct. You have to learn to do this independently and not think that others will come and help take care of the bits and pieces. And don't waste time.

Start young and find an area to focus on, develop it and don't listen to other people telling you there are better opportunities elsewhere. Focus on your chosen area and establish yourself firmly. Equip yourself with high determination values, never give up for all failures and stand up quickly after learning the lesson. Eventually you will get there. 

Q5: On the topic of getting the team right, how do you recruit and retain the best
people—especially in markets where the MBG brand is not so well known?

We believe people with same core values, vision and mission always attract each other. 

MBG always state our core values, vision and mission clearly, we promote it every time we recruit new people. 

By emphasize above three items in our recruitment campaign, we found it able to attract talents that wish to have a long term employments. 

In year 2015, we documented our achievers company trip plan, team building, and recruitment video. MBG fully utilizes multimedia to attract our talents.

Join Adnan Lee at the Nurture Growth Conference on November 19th in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia as he discusses why you understand your company values before being able to hire the right people for your company. Make sure you get your tickets HERE.


  1. Agree with your subject. It is important for company to hired a right person and also in the right position. By the way MBG is famous with their fresh fruits.

    1. Yes they are! They have a great team working with them :)

  2. Yes! So many times the company reputation is ruined by hiring the wrong individual. Don't make that mistake..

    1. It's true. Sometimes the true colours of an individual only come out after a month or two after getting hired :(

  3. yeah...not easy to be an Entrepreneur.Agree that must learn the survival instinct with loyalty team . I had my own studio for 4 year . now going to be 5th year it still a long journey to learn which had lots of dream,but limited of capital. its tough but enjoy it. thx for this interview sharing let me learn a chapter.

  4. Agreed! It's pretty important to hire the right people, especially if you're in the service industry. They're the fore front people and actually holds the image of your company. I think it's something the staff should realize too.

    1. Staff should be reminded that they make the company. Whatever they do reflects the brand

  5. Agreed with you! It's most important to hire the right people, escpecially in service line.

    1. Absolutely! Front liners are the first people clients meet

  6. Agreed! Btw, I like their fresh fruits. It is my all time favourite! :P

  7. I appreciate the philosophy that he has been holding on :) in this way i believe the business will def be more sustainable

    1. Mr Adnan Lee truly cares about his staff and knows how to motivate them

  8. well said but its not easy to hire the right people. Seriously, I have been interviewing many people for my company but difficult.

    1. Yup, it takes time and experience to be able to find the right people that stay with a company

  9. Hire the right type of people will help the Company's growth. Hope all Companies will reward the right peoples.

  10. MBG... well I can see most of the staff are warga asing instead of malaysian... seriously...

    1. Hahaha not really but sometimes Malaysian don't want to work in these kinds of jobs. Not easy facing customers everyday. Warga asing know that as long as they work hard, they get paid and can send home money

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  13. I recently read an advice. Hire someone who knows more than us so that he/she can tell us what to do, and not the other way around.

    1. They need to complement what we don't know and we need to know something they don't know so that both parties move forward in tandem

  14. Recruit the right person is crucial.It's another issue if you have recruited the best men but they cannot work together. It certainly is another hectic!
    Worth our time to find out more...

    1. That's true, sometimes ego gets in the way. So we need to find a path where everyone is happy

  15. True, you would need a right ppl and with good passion to keep your business successful. Thanks for the tips btw ;)

  16. Haha I that's not what I personally think. Received terrible services from their staffs before and the cut fruits sold usually isn't fresh at all :/

  17. Will become machine if working without passion
    Good subject

  18. Will become machine if working without passion
    Good subject

  19. agree. work needs to the job need to have passion.

  20. Very nice share. Completely agree that hiring the correct person for the job will bring a lot of difference to the credibility and reflectiveness of the company. Passion is also key in order to bring the business to a successful close as well.

  21. Nice write up! Having a right people will strengthen the team spirit. Something which I've to learn more :)

  22. yeah! Staff are the assets of all companies.Hence, smart hiring will definitely help in the growth/ development of a company. Cheers,

  23. Thanks for sharing the interview in this post! It was really important to hire the correct people in one company. If not it will not help the company grow together!

  24. MBG must be doing it right? Love to shop there and their staffs are helpful too, I love how fresh their fruits are

  25. It is always hard to manage the staffs, thanks for sharing the great tips :)

  26. good sharing. Hiring the right person for the job is real important!

  27. Agree that hiring right people is important. N love the fruits

  28. Agree that hiring right people is important. N love the fruits

  29. This is an insightful interview. Would be helpful for boss to-be.

  30. I was reading through and the part about motivation shines through. It's refreshing to see companies putting emphasis on that part. To me, recruiting the right person for the right position is just a temporary fix. People change; interests, skills and goals of person changes over time. Just because one person is suitable for this post now, doesn't mean that he/she will be later. The only way to keep that status is to keep the person motivated and passionate for that job. Not enough companies put emphasis on this. I commend MBG for this.
