Monday, August 24, 2015

On 3:14 PM by Anonymous in ,    27 comments
We all know the importance of Time Management. Without it, not only will things fall out of place but it will be a burden on one's self let alone others. Although at times we find it difficult to juggle our own work with our own private time, it does not mean that it is completely impossible.

We took time out with Mr. Naseer Bhatti, former Managing Director of Nasim Carpets to now the Founder and CEO of Abee Rugs. From being employed to being self-employed, here is what he has to say when it comes to managing one's time.

Challenges of a New Business vs The Solution

Naseer mentioned that in his 13 years of working experience, experimentation has always gotten him through. He calls them Market Research, through experimenting different forms of medium like direct mailing, advertising, marketing etc. His vision was to one day have his very own brand to be well-known. Selling himself and establishing the brand was what he needed to do. As Abee Rugs started and is still a family business, thus it takes a longer time with the scope of keeping his circle smaller than most start ups. A lot of effort and time was definitely needed to start a new business from scratch but it all paid off when the brand was finally established back in 2012.

Location and brand reputation was also another obstacle. Thus doing a number of research to get the right time in landed the business being started in Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kuala Lumpur. Building the brand was no easy task thus through every available advertising platform, he ensured he tapped them somehow ie. SMS Blasting, Website, Social Media etc. Having a strong tagline was also needed to build a strong brand thus came the tagline House of Persian Carpets. This would lead to having a premium setting to the brand for customers' enticement. 

Budget was also an issue but Naseer kept hold to a string principle where to grow one's business, spending is inevitable. Thus parking a good investment is key and when it comes to stock and variety, it counts. No point in advertising if the stocks don't make up for it. Spend wisely to reap the outcome!

How Do You Run A Successful Business Including Getting The Right People?

It is always essential to have a plan. Naseer has posed the question to himself, 'How Does One Make One's Business Famous?' Through time management, you will also need to categorised your work. Depending on the business itself, one can not run a business simply by one's self but also through one's team. This would mean hiring the right staff.

Regardless if his staff are not experienced, as long as they have the heart, it is what that matters. He also mentions that keeping them well equipped is equally as vital. Through his morning briefs, he always ensures that at the end of the day there needs to be a 'personal touch' from him thus not only shows his employees that he cares but also his customers. It can be a simple proposal or report but he ensures he is aware of it and that he has a say in it.

Misguidance on Time Keeping

Having a plan and prioritising one's work is important. Many people are not aware that through the piling of their work they tend to forget which of it takes urgency and which are not. Self discipline is needed in this sense and in order to keep one's time, learning to prioritise one's work is important.

Ideal Measures of Work Prioritization
  • Asking for deadline extension - Better to ask rather than not meeting the deadline which would cause a domino effect.
  • Review duration of work - Learn to know how long does one's project take before starting in order to not waste precious time if things do not work out
  • Importance vs Urgency - A fine line of understanding which takes more priority over the other.
  • Reputation in the Marketplace - Unconventional but it works because if one does not know how to prioritize one's work, his or her reputation will be affected and thus this becomes a self-motivator.

Countering Work, Pressure and Time

Running a business is definitely not always a bed of roses. There is always a meeting with clients or deadlines to be met. However, coping with one's work will ensure that work gets done right and on time and there will be time for one's family and friends. Abee Rugs operates from 11am to 8pm, seven days a week. "A good practise is work fully in the required time and when work ends, you will always have time for yourself", he mentioned. Doing things outside of work will definitely help ease one's stress level.

Processes and Procedures / Cost and Savings

There are a number of scenarios where change is needed in order to optimise savings with less cost. Most of the time unfortunately it may be due to the lack of productivity from the staff. It is to always bare in mind that being a leader is the right way and not just being the boss. Leniency is fine but stern discipline is also needed. "Teamwork is needed and if one staff lazes around, it may affect everyone else's morale. Sometimes the harsh truth is getting rid of one rotten apple is better than throwing the entire basket", he mentioned.

A Weak Economy Against Staff Motivation

Running a business boils down to dollars and cents. Having a sales force but not achieving the revenue does not mean that the team is incompetent or the business is a failure. Naseer mentioned that in actual fact, if one's business is doing slow it could mean that proper "homework" was not done. It does not necessarily mean it is the fault of one single person in particular. As long as everyone puts in the effort, the business will somehow strive. Keeping employees happy is key; thus it never hurts to have team lunches once in awhile or rewards as incentive. This builds the bond between employer, employee and the business.

Time Management + Productivity Skills

Starting a business from scratch basically leads to just that; managing one's time well with the right productivity skills. Naseer's advice for those up and coming entrepreneurs would be to keep in mind that people's time are just as important as well. There are all kinds of tools now that could work for one's business growth. Take social media for instance; these are tools to assist and manage one's time and productivity. Though must never be the sole purpose and reason to a business's success nor failure.

At the end of the day, to sustain a business and increase productivity, one should always stay humble and hungry. "Being hungry to earn is vital in ensuring whether you are on the right track or just wasting your time. If you want to succeed, then drive yourself to improve for the better", said Naseer.

Join Naseer Bhatti at the Nurture Growth Conference on November 19th in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia as he discusses why you need to manage your time well and how to do it. Make sure you get your tickets HERE.

- Author : David Suppramaniam, Best Events Asia Writer, Aug 21st, 2015


  1. I realized that the time management is very important when I started my degree life~~~
    It is very hard to success if you time management is failed...

  2. I agree on asking for time extension. Better to tell earlier so everyone else after you can plan their time as well instead of just not finishing the work

  3. He really a successful person as he manage his time and his career well. Love his successful story.

  4. This is very informative. Learnt how time management is important together with business skills.

  5. Ah thats a very motivational post :) guess we need to learn bout time management as young as possible

  6. yes time management always my priority in life. Good tips!

  7. Yea, time management actually play an important life no matter what time, where we are. Thanks for the tips dear! :D

  8. Good tips!! Very informative!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Thanks for your tips! Thanks for sharing!

  10. thanks for the writeup, time management is what everyone really needs in every field of work and even in personal life. I definitely need to learn much about it.

  11. As a freelancer, I find that not only is time management important, self-discipline is equally so. This post is an excellent reminder.

  12. very informative blog post about time management. Will keep this in my mind always as I do agree that time management is important in our life now. Cheers,

  13. Agree,It is very important and self discipline too. Very informative

  14. This is a good reminder to outselves as to how to manage our own time and so on...Very informative and important...

  15. Great writeup. Yes time management is indeed important and need to instil to young children too

  16. Great writeup. Yes time management is indeed important and need to instil to young children too

  17. Great writeup. Yes time management is indeed important and need to instil to young children too

  18. Thanks for sharing this article, I really grasped some of his guidance and thoughts especially the A Weak Economy Against Staff Motivation. It is true that managing staff and human resource is the tuff part for me.

  19. Time management is important to get thing done. And I believe this can increase our productivity.

  20. Importance vs Urgency - there's a real fine line there indeed. I always have problems prioritising between these two.

  21. There's are alots of thing we should learn, Time management is important for all respect in life, either you fail with it or you pass with flying colors.

  22. Agree, time management is really important, especially in the so competitive world right now :)

  23. Very informative information you've got here! Time management, something I'm working on it.

  24. Thank you for sharing this. Certainly an insightful article. I could use a hand in managing my time. I'm a huge procrastinator

  25. Yes, time management is very important. Even blog posting also have to schedule before hand!

  26. I have always been poor in time management until I took degree. Definitely need to buckle up on that skill of mine :)

  27. This is what I lack... time management hahaha... this article is a good read. :)
