Wednesday, August 19, 2015

On 6:00 AM by Best Events in    No comments

If you haven’t decided if you should attend this conference yet, here are six reasons why you should get on it:

1.    First Step of Your Business Cycle

Chances are,you roughly know what you want to do but are not sure where to start. This conference will teach you to set clear goals and accelerate in the direction you want to go. Be proactive. Get out there. Your future starts NOW.

 2.    Figure Some (Important) Things Out

There are so many challenges in a business. Now is a great time to engage with people who have wrestled with the same types of choices you’re facing and to see where those different paths have led.

3.    Industry Insights

Whether you’re planning to switch industries right after your first business or are considering business expansions, this will be a great opportunity to learn about new industries from the insiders who shape and lead them. And if you’re planning on staying in the same industry, the thought leaders can help you keep your finger on that industry’s pulse and stay up-to-date on current trends.

4.    Win the Networking Game

Networks matter, but it’s not good enough to leave it up to chance. The Nurture Growth conference is a great time to build up your network in both quantity and quality so you can maximize business connections from here on out. You might meet the person who introduces you to your next client, or inquires about your product and service, and buys from you.

5.    Face Time with the Top Dogs

It’s not every day that you can chat with the top executives like the CEO of GE Consult and multiple business owner, Fred Victor, or Entrepreneur Coach, Victor Chew or online retailer, Lavinie Thiruchelvam. Here’s a chance to have meaningful conversations with leaders you admire and who can give you insight on how they made it to the top. Keep in mind that these are leaders who are participating in the conference because they believe in supporting other business owners; they’ll likely be more accessible here than most other occasions. 

6.  Be Inspired

Whether you are a partner at Nike, the CEO of a multinational, or founder of your own non-profit organization, it’s inspiring to hear from other business leaders who have made their dreams reality. We think you’ll walk away from the conference with a clearer sense of where you’re going, how you’re getting there, and the network of support that will help you along your way. 


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